Passion is a game changer.
I aspire to always leave time for investing in projects and causes that have a purpose greater than myself. One way I do this is by setting time aside to create for creativity's sake.
I have learned that creating is a language form, a platform, and an invitation into a more authentic way of using my time for good. So, I create.
I hope you enjoy.
"In a field of flowers"
In college I created an installation inspired by the homeless community in my college's hometown. The installation was created with the mindfulness that homelessness not only results in material poverty, but often times can come with a relational poverty that greatly impacts those who are affected.
I have heard stories from those who have experienced the pain of not having a place where they belong. This installation is symbolic to a place where someone who has experienced isolation or relational pain can come and safely reside. The 'field of flowers' is symbolic to a safe haven where tears are safely shed and hope is right around the corner.
Throughout the process of creating this installation, I had the opportunity of conversing with friends and strangers who graciously shared their stories with me. It was incredible seeing how everyone had a different story to bring to the table while interacting with this piece.
I will leave you with the poem that I wrote at the front of the entrance:
In a field of flowers, there's no judgement here.
beauty swallowed by beauty, and nourished by tears
oh, how I wish to find my place;
my field of flowers among the human race